The history of All Souls Church and Parish, Peterborough

A list of publications and photocopies of articles available.

Most of the following can be obtained from Peterborough Central Library, or from Mr Peter Waszak, Church archivist (contact via the parish office)

All of the following are taken from the Peterborough Local History Society Magazine.

William Wilkinson Wardell and the Roman Catholic Chapel in Queen St, Peterborough.' - Oct 1992 Issue number 2.

‘One Hundred Up: Catholic Schools in Peterborough’ Issue No 3 March 1993

‘Henry Hammond (1849-1910) Peterborough Builder and Contractor’ Issue No 4 October 1993.

The Elwes Hall the early years Part 1 Issue No 5 March 1994, Part 2 Issue No 6 October 1994, ‘The Elwes Hall: a return visit’ Issue No 7 March 1995.

‘The Roman Catholic Church of St. Oswald, King & Martyr, Walton’ Part 1 Issue No 7 March 1995, Part 2 Issue No 8 October 1995, Part 3 Issue No 9 March 1996.

‘All Souls Centenary’ Issue No 10 March 1996.

‘Catholic Men’s Club’ Part 1 Issue No 12 October 1998, Part 2 Issue No 13 March 1999, Part 3 Issue No 14 October 1999.

‘All Souls Church Bell’ Issue No 15 March 1999.

‘Cary Elwes Concerts’ Issue No 16 October 1999.

‘Kings Cliffe: The Catholic Connection’ Special Millennium Edition 2000.

‘The Catholic Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.’ Issue No 18 December 2000.

‘The Abbeyfields Project: Proposals for Catholic Secondary Education in Peterborough in the early 1950s’ Part 1,Issue No 19 March 2001, Part 2 Issue No 20 October 2001.

‘German POW Adolph Schragle’ Part 1, Issue No 22 October 2002, ‘Memories of a German POW: In conclusion’ Part 2, No 23 March 2003.

‘All Souls Roman Catholic Church Subsidence Problems 1896-2010’.Part One. Issue No 39 March 2011, Part 2, Issue No 40 October 2011.

‘Migrants in Peterborough: St Peter and All Souls RC Church Parish Developments since 1945’.Part 1’ Issue No 41 March 2012, Part 2, No 42 October 2012, Part 3, No 43 March 2013, Part 4, Issue No 44 October 2013, Part 5, Issue No 45 March 2014.

‘An Italian in the Peterborough Brickyards in the 1950s’ Issue No 46 October 2014.

    By Peter Waszak:

    1. 'Roman Catholic Schools in Peterborough: a history' Peterborough Arts Council 1984 (out of print)
    2. 'The Revival of the Roman Catholic Church in Peterborough c1793-1910', published in 'Peterborough's Past', volume 3, the Journal of the Peterborough Museum Society 1988
    3. 'The Parish Archives of All Souls Church Peterborough' Catholic Archives No 11 1991
    4. 'King's Cliffe - the Catholic Connection', published in 'Northamptonshire Past and Present' (no 53) 2000
    5. 'The Golden Ball Chapel at King's Cliffe, Northamptonshire.' Midland Catholic History (no 8) 2001
    6. 'St Peter and All Souls Catholic Church - The First 100 Years 1896-1996' 1996 Available from All Souls Church £3.00

    Publications by other authors, which contain information about the Catholic church in Peterborough:

    1. 'Catholic Devotion in Victorian England' by Mary Heimann - pub: Clarendon Press Oxford 1995
    2. 'Held in Trust' A history of Catholic Parishes in England & Wales 1900 - 1950 by June Rockett -Salut Austin Press. 2001 £9.95
    3. Margaret Osborne ‘An Enduring Legacy’: The Apostolic ministry of the Cary-Elwes of Great Billing 1865-1965. This has sections on Peterborough in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. Available from The Presbytery, Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, 1 Elews Way, Great Billing, Northampton, NN3 9EA Price £5.00.

    Catholic History Society


    Season of Creation

    season of creation

    Season of Creation is fast approaching (1st September-4th October)! Pope Francis has just shared his key message on the theme for this year "To hope and act with Creation".
    "To hope and act with creation, then, means to live an incarnational faith, one that can enter into the suffering and hope-filled “flesh” of others, by sharing in the expectation of the bodily resurrection to which believers are predestined in Christ the Lord. In Jesus, the eternal Son who took on human flesh, we are truly children of the Father. Through faith and baptism, our life in the Spirit begins (cf. Rom 8:2), a holy life, lived as children of the Father, like Jesus (cf. Rom 8:14-17), since by the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ lives in us (cf. Gal 2:20). In this way, our lives can become a song of love for God, for humanity, with and for creation, and find their fullness in holiness."

    You can read the full statement from the Vatican website here.


    All Souls Building Fund

    The Catholic Diocese of East Anglia

    Peterborough St Peter and All Souls - Standing Together Achieving Miracles

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    Help us to raise £1.3m to repair St Peter and All Souls Roman Catholic Church and help prevent it from closure. Our church has been at the heart of Peterborough's diverse community for over 125 years, and we need your help

    Charity Registration No. 278742

    If you would like to help raise money towards the building work at All Souls, you can pay directly into the fundraising account at HSBC Sort code: 40-36-15 Account number: 72401436. Account Name: St Peters & All Souls RC Church.

    If your Alive in Faith has come to an end, please consider donating to our Building Fund.

    If you do not bank online you can print off the standing order, complete the details, hand in to the parish office and we can set this up for you.

    Standing Order Mandate building fund.pdf


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    website by: Jill Johnson

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